They have downloadable PDF "project sheets" for everything from basic pillows to very intricately-embroidered panels. The styles are "handpicked by Martha" so you know they're uber-tasteful, and true to form for her, the instructions are so clean and detailed - right up my Type A alley!
In my dreams, I could make these!
When I was little, my Grandmother would let me sew a few stitches when she was making cute little dresses for my sister and I, but I never really learned to sew - tragic, I know....Now, I've inherited an old, foot-pedaled Singer that was Ben's Grandmother's, and I've yet to open it up and play a bit. I may not become a venerable seamstress, but I'm determined to turn out some basic throw pillows, at least. I'll keep ya posted on my progress - in the meantime, check out Sewing Ideas for some DIY inspiration!