All the hub-bub over the release of Julie & Julia** has me waxing poetic about one of my favorite kitchen design elements: pot racks. I've always loved a great pot rack, well, more precisely, a pot rack full of great pots and pans - bonus points if they're copper.
I bought an inexpensive wrought iron pot rack in Laredo, Texas many years ago - before I even had a home in which to hang it. I have to say, it has become a very well-traveled piece!
It had its inaugural hanging in our first home in Houston...
I bought an inexpensive wrought iron pot rack in Laredo, Texas many years ago - before I even had a home in which to hang it. I have to say, it has become a very well-traveled piece!
It had its inaugural hanging in our first home in Houston...
Perhaps I'm a bit strange - after all, it IS just a pot rack - but if I'm sentimental about my cookware storage, it seems I keep good company....Martha apparently likes her pot racks, too! Here's her original, in her Turkey Hill home kitchen - found at a Massachusets tag sale!
Behold a custom unit in polished chrome. Nothing but the best for the deRothschilds. Does anyone even USE that fabulous cookware? I'm always a little sketchy on perfectly-shined copper - seems artificial - just sayin'...
I happen to think this pot rack-gone-valance is pretty flippin' clever!
But the most ingenious (especially for a small kitchen) is this DIY version made of copper pipe. What a way to turn (I'll admit it) a rather common kitchen element into a wonderful convo piece! If you're interested, and handy like that - you can go here for all the how to deets.
**I'll likely be unable to see J&J in theater until 16 October - the Brazil release date. For the record, that is later than the release date in most civilized countries, including ESTONIA!!