Little Happies: Good Smellin' Stuff

Remember when Williams Sonoma would release a new line of hand soaps and lotions with each season? I was so frustrated when they discontinued that tradition, instead opting for (in my opinion) less-yummy, and more "standard" scents to be carried year round. Way back when they were still doing the seasonal scents, they carried a Basil fragrance. It was crisp, clean - aromatherapy each time you washed your hands.
I've been on the lookout for something similar ever since, but haven't had much luck until recently... The last time I was Home, my mom and sister had snagged these goodies...
I'm sure you've all heard of Mrs. Meyer's, but did you know they have a really pleasant Basil scent? Between the hand soap, dish soap, and countertop spray - my kitchen maintains a wonderful, fresh aroma, and I've become a cleaning fool (that could be from the hormones, too, though!)
I bought mine via here, but I imagine you can find it anywhere Green cleaning supplies are sold.
**UPDATE - Just checked WS - and they DO have Basil again! Have any of you tried it? Wonder if it's the same formula?? FYI - Mrs. Meyer's price points are still friendlier!

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Living like The Natives