Mommy's Morning Pick-Me-Up

The hubster has been on the road this week. I don't recommend single-parenting-while-prego, but that's another story. I know smoothies are nothing new, and there are about a bagillion versions out there, but here's one that has made quick and good use of my overripe bananas, and perked me up enough in the a.m. that I don't reach instead for one of these...
This is my own little concoction, so there's no exact measurements - just take a couple of very ripe bananas...
Some plain (or vanilla) "drinkable" yogurt, some OJ (fresh would be better, but I was fresh out)
A splash of vanilla...
A few ice cubes. Blend.
Enjoy a healthy, very creamsicle-y beverage! (Sorry, have no idea why I didn't photo the finished drink - sheesh!) Have a great weekend!

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