'round Dis Houzz

Pffeewww! That's the sound of me coming up for air - you know, like a whale spewing out its blowhole? I guess it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that posts around MLHP will be fewer and further between for awhile, what with new baby routines, etc, etc.
HowEVAH, when I DO get a chance to put something up, I'll certainly try to make it worthwhile.

A few Orders of Business, first:
  • Thank YOU for the sweet and complimentary comments on the blog's new look. I'm thrilled with how it turned out, and can thank Jessica Graves of Front Porch Studio for so cleverly deciphering my ideas of a what a clean, elegant, and above all, happy new home for MLHP should look like. Thanks again, Jess!
  • There's still some detail work being done on links, but if you have any major problems with seeing images, etc, please let me know.
Now...I hope you haven't forgotten about my little redo project over at Mrs. Mary's casa. We've got the bulk of the room together, and even had an impromptu install/pizza party Friday night. I know you must be ready for something more than teaser shots, but I feel confident saying this project is worth waiting for the full effect. On that note of frustrating teasers, here's a few more details from Friday night's session...

Remember this chair from Overstock? The Before.
...And after a little alignment hygiene in the upholstery department...

Better, huh?
Making Mary the Queen of her Casa
My "design assistants," hard at work
Other than that, just a lot of Monkey-See, Monkey-Do going on around here...
...and otherwise, trying to soak it all in...

The To-Do List

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