Hacked by Hague

Well, it only took me about a month, but I can finally say I'm finito with the hack of my old, Ikea media cabinet.  Thanks to the generosity of Kathy from My Interior Life, who sent me a color-match of Hague Blue,  I was able to have my own Brazilian version made.  The paint mixer here was so "impressed" with my obsession dedication to having it just right that he renamed my custom color "Azul Americana." I'll take that as a compliment. ;)


I also subbed in the same gorgeous, brass pulls we used on my sister's hack.  They play very well with Hague.

The space above the odd-height cabinet will be earning some new artwork from Miss Jenny

Loving that reflective finish SO. MUCH.

...and since we're starting Halloween weekend, I'll go ahead and show you the Before again - it's kinda SKEEEERY!

Have a Spooktacular weekend, Peeps!

Ready to BOO! *with cupcake update*

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