It's Monday - Let's do B&A's

It's a two-cupper kind of Monday for me, so how about some Before and After goodness? 

I've been working with my sister to get her formal living room properly zhushed before an upcoming shower she's hosting.  Can I just say right now how much it KILLS me not to be able to do this fun stuff in person?   Oh well, getting to be a part of putting together a great room is still rock 'n roll.

Wanna peek? (Pardon the iPhone pics)

Wingback Before - Sad stuffing, and almost-coulda-shoulda-been-kinda-cool Missoni-esque fabric....

...and After... Make-a-me-SO-happy coral and purply-pink ikat!
sumbera wingback after

X-benches Before (sorry, no real-life photo) - Now, you know I'm not the kind to turn a side-eye to most anything animal print, but these bargain X-benches needed to look....well....not so bargain-y....

So, they found some love in the form of high-quality velvet, and extra tufting.  Oh, the plushness of it all!
sumbera x benches after
What's pulling this all together, you ask?  Why, a giant, colorful print by Cozamia, of course!
sumbera living art
Yep, Monday's lookin' better, already!

I like big books and I cannot lie

Other things