Surprises of the House and Non-House Kind

Surprises of the House and Non-House Kind

We took a little staycation in DC this weekend. We were having some work done in the house that was best done with us out of dodge, and honestly, we needed a little time away from all the craziness of living in as-yet-unpacked boxes and ongoing renovations.

The weekend started off with Avery losing her first tooth at school. She didn't even realize it - I think it went down with her lunch.

Saturday, however, just as we were getting settled into our hotel with room service and PJs, Isla fell off a chair, and hit the edge of a coffee table - putting a deep gash into the back of her head. Ben spent the rest of the evening in the ER with her, while I held down the fort with the baby and Avery, all the while feeling so guilty that I wasn't there when my little girl got three staples in her head.


Apparently, they were out of the skin glue.

So, chalk this weekend up to two firsts: toofers and stitches.

We went on to have a good time in the city, and all was not lost.

After all, we came home to this:


So, stairs got a B&W paint over, walls went from beige to

Cornforth White

.  Can't see, but the interior doors also went black.  Then the Stark Antelope runner(s) went down.  I bought them over a year ago on OKL, and have been waiting.  And waiting. to use them.  They feel so good, and offer a tremendous buffer against stompy little feet.

In the words of one Ferris Bueller, It is so choice.

We're trying so hard to put our stamp on this house - to make it our own.  I think this is one small step for Mankind.

P.S. - Stay tuned....Barring any other crash and burns, nursery reveal coming rurl soon.

The Mulligan:  Skylar's Nursery Reveal

The Mulligan: Skylar's Nursery Reveal

Master Bedroom design - Help me decide!

Master Bedroom design - Help me decide!